
Scott McLellan: What No One Reports

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The stir over Scott McLellan’s book on the propaganda war Bush 2 waged to get us into the Iraq war is leaving one thing unreported. No doubt because people either do not know or they do know and are skittish. It’s a predictable like-father-like-son barb that is intelligible when you know that Scott’s dad, Barr McLellan is the author of Blood, Money and Power, which implicated LBJ in the death of JFK.

I must assume that the linkage will surface without any help from me. This is the Web after all.

But my own amusement is tempered by the fact that I am most familiar with Barr’s book. It is a widely-skewered semi-fictional, yet intermittently plausible, account of the prospect that one of the shooters on the 6th floor was Malcolm Wallace, a known hit man and a known part of the Johnson circle.

Most observers are saying that Scott’s conclusions are vastly less speculative than Barr’s. So one could argue that the son is the more veracious of the two.

But what is interesting is that both father and son have sought to write history in a way that would completely justify the relegation of a former President (LBJ) to the bottom rung and the impeachment of the sitting President, George W. Bush.

In any family, such parallelism is of interest.

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