
Melissa Ethridge and Pastor Rick

A Christmas Story worth sharing. Thanks Melissa.

I received a call from Pastor Rick, and before I could say anything, he told me what a fan he was. He had most of my albums from the very first one. What? This didn’t sound like a gay hater, much less a preacher. He explained in very thoughtful words that as a Christian he believed in equal rights for everyone. He believed every loving relationship should have equal protection. … He invited me to his church, I invited him to my home to meet my wife and kids. He told me of his wife’s struggle with breast cancer just a year before mine.

When we met later that night, he entered the room with open arms and an open heart. We agreed to build bridges to the future.

Brothers and sisters the choice is ours now. We have the world’s attention. We have the capability to create change, awesome change in this world, but before we change minds we must change hearts. … Maybe instead of marching on his church, we can show up en mass and volunteer for one of the many organizations affiliated with his church that work for HIV/AIDS causes all around the world. SOURCE

Choice and change in our future. Priceless.


Let it not be said that we disparage counterpoint.


One thought on “Melissa Ethridge and Pastor Rick

  1. She’s a brave woman. In the current climate I’m afraid she may be “punished” for taking this more reasoned approach. I hope not though.

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