abba's way

This song contains all Abba’s way


From Abba’s Way 100 Aphorisms in “The Jesus Interview”

Further Reading

Abba’s Way Stephen C. Rose: Kindle Store

Triadic Philosophy 100 Aphorisms Stephen C. Rose: Kindle Store

Jesus taught a single prayer, a prayer for Abba’s ears.  It is for everyone. These words can light a universal flame.

Abba whose home in heaven is

Hallowed and holy is your name

Let your realm come your will be done

Till earth and heaven are the same

Give us this day our daily bread

Forgive the wrongs that we have done

As we forgive those who do wrong

Lead us not into temptation

Deliver us from evil lord

And guide us safely to your shore

Yours is the power to heal and mend

Yours is the glory evermore

This  song contains all Abba’s way. Walk with it daily. Make it a part of you.  Twelve lines hold all the truth of life.

abba's way

Call on Abba at all times


Call on Abba at all times, he’ll be your guide.  Call Abba day and night, his gifts are yours. Call out your deepest dreams,  ask and you’ll see.

From Abba’s Way 100 Aphorisms in “The Jesus Interview”

Further Reading

Abba’s Way Stephen C. Rose: Kindle Store

Triadic Philosophy 100 Aphorisms Stephen C. Rose: Kindle Store

abba's way

Tsu Social Network – The Brave New World of User Compensation

Tsu is a social network, just starting but promising. One of its promises is that it will compensate us, its users, with the bulk of its ad income. The logic is that users provide the content. This logic was present in early days. I remember earning quite well on Themestream before it went under. You cannot earn money paying out a dime a view. I remember Epinions in its earliest iteration. One could earn some there. There was no Twitter. No Facebook. No Linkedin. None of these three are user-friendly to the point of sacrificing a penny of their earnings. Without us of course they would not exist.

The trick is a business plan that is promising but realistic at the same time. I am not expert enough to understand Tsu’s bottom line business plan but I have a general idea. First let me invite you to join. Only members can do this. While it is not a referral outfit, it does benefit the one who invites. This is because a user’s income is dependent in part on the number of persons in his or her following. So if you want to check out Tsu, be my guest: Just click and follow the dots. Leave any questions here as comments and I will try to oblige.

Tsu’s first income creator is ads and as traffic increases advertising will increase. This is income that Tsu intends to distribute to us, keeping only 10 percent. Our 90 percent goes half to the original content creator and half to his or her audience. This is complex but a FAQ offers a fairly detailed explanation.

This is only the top of the money mountain. The income that we earn goes into an online account. We have wallets. When it hits $100 it can be claimed and a check sent. But the anticipation is that that money will circulate among members and beyond. When such online transactions occur Tsu will earn micropayments. with every transaction. Bingo! Win win.

What this suggests is that Tsu, if successful, will be like a bank that’s open 24/7 and hopping with the proceeds of the  millions (or billions) of content creators who regard earning something online as their right. Maybe bank is to loaded a word these days. How about calling it an alternative economy that we (us) sort of own?

In any case, it’s clear that the vision of Tsu is considerably beyond that of say Twitter, whose general drift seems to be to encourage users like myself to buy ads to increase visibility while locking accounts if one has the temerity to follow more than a handful or unfollow those who don’t follow you back. This behavior on Twitter’s part one reason why I am now encouraging my 180K Twitter followers to give Tsu a try.

I am wondering what will happen if mega-Twitter-followings like those of Kate Perry and Justin Bieber are drawn to Tsu.

I am  too new to be even a proper newbie on Tsu,  but it is clearly a breath of fresh air. The goal I have had since the start of cyberspace is to catch a wave of human betterment built on the fact that when people communicate they improve a bit. Such communication is hampered when the snark level begins to dominate, as is the case on Twitter. Communication on Tsu could suffer if it was perceived to be a means by which clever promoters devise all sorts of methods to stimulate following without offering a shred of uplifting content.

My resolution is to become further acquainted with Tsu as a viable alternative to the domination of us by corporate entities. Even if my ownership is minuscule it is already more in prospect than I would earn were I to invest another seven years on Twitter.

abba's way

Twitter Almanac of Unjustified Account Closings

Twitter’s daily assault continues. Today I followed as is my custom. At around 400 or so Twitter intervened with a notice saying I had hit a limit. Fine. I stopped. That is as it should be. But they proceed to lock my account. I have better things to do than take the time to keep this record. Maybe I will stop and let them keep on and on and on. Or maybe from now on I will just post the date – 6 November and the exact time 1:00 PM (34 minutes ago).

November 5 following this tweet –

We got the result SCOTUS bought. Attack ads became mantras. It is 1968 again.

Twitter in its infinite wisdom LOCKED my account again. It is not even 6:00 AM in NYC. It was locked immediately when this tweet was posted. Draw your own conclusion. Mine is a steely resolve to keep on keeping on.

Here is the tweet I was trying to post when I got the offending Twitter email.

Today’s we learned that the most dangerous airborne virus in America isn’t Ebola, it’s Amnesia.

I will now change my password for the nth time and soldier on.

What would a day be without another account lock  November 3. I keep thinking I will get a letter of apology. Have they nothing better to do. You can follow a thousand, some say 2000 a day. Today I followed 500. I got nice responses. I wish I got the same from Twitter. I have literally worked 12/7 on the Web since it started. I chose Twitter as my base. It is very hard to consider leaving.


8:54 PM (5 minutes ago)

It is November 2. Just in case anyone reading this believes it is excessive following that causes the excessive locking of my Twitter account, today Sunday November 2, I have followed not a soul but my acct. has been closed

12:47 PM (20 minutes ago)

I did unfollow some, because there is little point in following someone who is not following you. They cannot see what you post and you do not see what they post, so the logic is that you do not continue to follow them. These are people I followed a month ago who never responded or they are people who have for whatever reason decided to unfollow me. I am merely doing what I have always done but Twitter now seems bent on harassment and it is indeed just that.  Probably not the action of a small-minded soul parked somewhere, but rather the impersonal action of an algorithm that is designed to ferret out spam or hacking. I personally think that posting a protest like this should eventually encourage a human being to enter the system and exempt @stephencrose who has been doing the same thing since Twitter’s first year of operation from further nonsense. At some point I will probably give up, but I have things I want to say and when I think of fellow Tweeps elsewhere who are vulnerable to genuine harassment and worse, I gain perspective. I have 182K followers of whom a small fraction are attentive, but that is more than I can claim after a lifetime of writing in other media including books. My first month of this was indeed a nightmare, but now it is just a twinge of sadness, more for Twitter than me.

Following my practice of documenting Twitter closings it is 6:02 AM Nov 1 in NYC and I just received another account lock. 6:00 AM (0 minutes ago). I thought maybe the obvious efforts of Twitter to right a shaky ship by altering the composition of its staff would result in some attention to these incursions. Guess not. Still it is no way to gain public support. Twitter survives now because it is There and because folk like me have worked for almost a decade to make it what it is. By subjecting us periodically – no frequently – daily – to Kafkaesque indignities is to me a symbol of all that is wrong. It means that when something proves as effective and less bothersome, it will succeed Twitter.

I am going to add successive account closings by Twitter to the top of this Almanac. This one came today Thursday 30 Oct. 14  at 2:27 PM (13 minutes ago) – that would be NYC time. My crime unfollowing folk who did not accept my invitation or who got tired of my stream and following around 400 or so new folk who also follow someone I admire. If Twitter cannot tolerate someone acting well within their stated rules, whose goal is to share what interests me – often the tweets of others – then so be it. Why stick with Twitter? Why not? We have an election coming up. I will do my best to see that the President has his third national victory. 2008, 20i2 and this year. The text of the Twitter letter is always the same. I might not be me. If not, why do they keep sending me mail?

I have gotten about thirty of the following recently. I have decided to keep a Twitter Almanac of Unjustified Account Closings to see if this is a syndrome that others also experience for no reason. Twitter says you can follow people but when I do I get these.

Stephen C. Rose,
Unlock your Twitter account
Stephen C. Rose
We believe your account @stephencrose might be compromised by a user or service not associated with Twitter.
To secure your account and continue safely using Twitter, change your password now.

Once again today:

For security purposes, your Twitter account has been locked.



1:58 PM (4 hours ago)

to me
Images are not displayed. Display images below – Always display images from
Stephen C. Rose,
Unlock your Twitter account
Stephen C. Rose
We believe your account @stephencrose might be compromised by a user or service not associated with Twitter.
To secure your account and continue safely using Twitter, change your password now.
Reset your password
Check out our support pages for more information.
-The Twitter Security Team

Two locks so far today. Twitter needs to do something.

Wednesday – another lock:

8:52 PM (2 minutes ago)
I made the “mistake” of foilowing people.
Prominently on my home page – an ad for Twitter ads. 
to me
abba's way

Abba is rules that move this universe


From Abba’s Way 100 Aphorisms in “The Jesus Interview”

Further Reading

Abba’s Way Stephen C. Rose: Kindle Store

Triadic Philosophy 100 Aphorisms Stephen C. Rose: Kindle Store

Abba is rules that move this universe. Abba is the very power of birth. Abba is the science that’s behind all science. Abba’s truth resides in everyone.
