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Three Facebook Posts

Selected from of recent posts and slideshows  about the social network.

In general Facebook is as significant on the Web as any named entity. And the Web is on its way to becoming the way we create our world.

Why Gibbs is Going to Facebook

This is more obvious than silly putty was when it came out.
Do You Use Facebook?

Do You Use Facebook? This is not an idle question. It comes down to the world that is coming. What sort of connection do we want? What sort of connection will events force us to have?
Social-Networking: Will Google Blow Facebook Out of the Water?

Social-Networking: Will Google Blow Facebook Out of The Water? Google is becoming a social network. Facebook owns first place. Google means to change that. Is Facebook up to the challenge? Some thoughts.

One thought on “Three Facebook Posts

  1. Pingback: Welcome to my (Facebook) world « Henrytapper's Blog

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